Where Shadows Scream

Monday, October 24, 2011


So you have made the decision that you need MORE God in your life? Excellent! If you wanted more couches or more computers or something in your house you would first need to make MORE room. In order to make MORE room you would need to get rid of something first. The same is true in life, when we want MORE God we usually need to make more room for Him. We need to get rid of secret sins but often we overlook anchor points. We do not often realize that television takes up a good deal of space, if you replaced one T.V. show a day with prayer you would add an average of 2.5 hours a week to your prayer closet. Music, movies and television all have the ability to take up valuable space in our lives that could otherwise be occupied by God. He is jealous for you and will not share. He is not going to share you with t.v. or music or friends or anything else you place ahead of Him. Let's start making room for God today. Continue to follow this blog for tips on getting closer to God as well as updates on my new book "MORE". Thank you for reading and God bless you. Be sure to visit www.scottneth.com to read my other blog, watch a video or listen to or download a sermon FREE.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

MORE Like the Person He Created Me To Be

When we want MORE God and less us we often assume there should be none of us at all. Nothing could be farther from the truth. There was once a time when there was no 'you' and God did not like that so He made you. My prayer, from this day forward shall be "God make me MORE like the person You created me to be."
When we are MORE like the one He created us to be there will automatically be less of us, or less of our own selfish nature and MORE of GOD. When we commit ourselves to MORE time in the secret place and MORE time in His Word and MORE time listening to Him then we will see MORE of God. It is counter intuitive for us to try to grow through becoming less but as Kingdom carriers this is what we are called too, and as we become less He becomes more and we can begin to take our rightful places of dominion on this planet.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Walk MORE Victoriously

If you want MORE of God in your life you must walk MORE victoriously. Walk as though you ARE the kingdom, you are a king. You are a force to be reckoned with. When your feet hit the floor in the morning the gates of hell should rattle. Let us stop living like we are powerless, our enemy is the one who is powerless. When he reminds you of your weakness remind him of the cross. Walk in victory, walk in power, rise to what Christ has for you and change the world.
We were not created for defeat but for dominion. We see in Genesis when God created the world he commanded the first man to "take dominion" We are kings, we are God's kingdom here on Earth. We are created in His image, we are created with power and authority for dominion. Sometimes we spend too much time being dominated by our circumstance or surroundings and never stand up and take dominion over it. When we speak we ought to speak with authority, we ought to walk in authority, we ought to be influence. Where we step should change permanently. When we speak our words should be gold, our words should be life, when we speak our words should be food to a hungry nation and water to a dying and thirsty soul. Let us behave as ambassadors, let us walk in victory and never look back. Let your yes be a permanent yes anything less is a maybe. Come on world changers, lets change the world today.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

More God

If you want MORE God then you are going to have to clear out some stuff to make room for Him. So often we want to give God our leftovers, our leftover time, space, money, heart, love, you name it. He is not interested in our leftovers. He wants EVERYTHING. When we make way to give Him everything we get much more than we gave. Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. This does not speak of a few things or some things but all things. If we seek money before God we may get money but we end up with neither. When we seek God and His kingdom first we get all of the extras. He will supply our needs, He will give us some of our wants, we must be willing to put God first in all we do. We often have things in the way, things which take the place of God in our lives and we :pull out" the real God when we get in trouble. Things like; television, movies, music, video games, shopping, dating, the internet, all get in the way. I am not telling you that you can no longer engage in these activities but I will suggest you take a close look at your priorities. If you are not putting God first then you may as well not include Him in your life at all. Allow me to validate what I am saying in that I am involved in a ministry and we pray 20-30 hours a week in addition to our own quiet time with God. Do you need that much time for prayer? Well if you can find it, you'd be surprised how much t.v. you watch, then I would say yes, do it. The more things we get rid of, the more space we make for God, the more God we will have in our lives.

as I continue in this blog I will touch on many ways to get more of God and less of you. Thanks for reading.